Striped Mullet FMP AC Workshop Recap Last week the Striped Mullet Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) Advisory Committee (AC) met with NC Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) staff for three days to discuss ideas on how to achieve the necessary reductions...
How Well Is the CCA Mindset Working? Last week I showed you just one of the many tricks the Coastal Conservation Association of North Carolina (CCA) uses to sway public perception of our fisheries in North Carolina. Another trick CCA has mastered...
The Declining Mentality of the CCA Glenn Skinner and myself recently did interviews with Spectrum News on a segment called, In Focus with Loretta Boniti. The report, titled N.C. Fishing Feud, also featured staff and board members of the North...
Red Snapper, Plain and Simple My last couple articles seemed to connect with many readers, some good connections and some maybe not so good. I personally received some really good feedback and I was also forwarded several emails and websites who quoted my...
NCFA BOARD AND STAFF WISH YOU ALL A SAFE AND HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!! Recreational Elitism Under the Guise of Conservation Last week I gave an overview of a lawsuit recently filed by commercial fishermen and fish buyers that laid out their claims that the...