Speckled Trout Meeting This Week


The speckled trout Advisory Committee (AC) meets this week with NC Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) staff to discuss options for Amendment 1 to the speckled trout fisheries management plan (FMP). The AC and DMF staff are tasked with refining Draft Amendment 1 options for management. This workshop-style meeting is less formal than traditional meetings and allows for more discussion and explanations on what options will and will not work to achieve the necessary reductions.


This workshop is open to the public. Public comment will not be taken at this time but stakeholders are encouraged to come and speak with DMF staff and AC members during breaks.  



NC Cooperative Extension, 300 Industrial Drive, New Bern, NC 28562



Monday April 22, 2:00pm-6:00pm

Tuesday April 23, 8:30am-5:00pm

Wednesday April 24, 8:30am-3:45pm


Agenda: Agenda 


Workshop Materials:

Base Plan

Small Mesh Gill Net Information Paper 

Sustainable Harvest Issue Paper 

Supplemental Management Issue Paper

Cold Stun Management Issue Paper




Thomas Newman

Fisheries Liaison 
