Weekly Update: May 31, 2019

A Word from Our Executive Director – Glenn Skinner Everyone in NC that has an interest in the Southern Flounder fishery (Restaurant, Consumer, Commercial or Recreational) is encouraged to attend the meetings that are scheduled for next week. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE:...

Weekly Update: May 24, 2019

A Word from Our Executive Director – Glenn Skinner At their May Business meeting, the Marine Fisheries Commission voted to send draft Amendment 2 (to the Southern Flounder FMP) as presented by the Division to the Advisory Committee and out for public comment...

Weekly Update: May 17, 2019

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: As noted previously, the crossover deadline was last week so it was rather hectic. Quite a contrast this week as legislators were slow in coming back with nothing going on legislatively regarding fisheries. There will be a meeting next Tuesday of...

Weekly Update: May 10, 2019

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: This week started out very busy, this time early on Monday morning which is not the norm but with crossover deadline looming for Thursday, there was a lot of activity. I wish I could be more definitive in saying that House bills are 483 and 486 are...

Weekly Update: May 3, 2019

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE:  Very, very busy week in Raleigh as the crossover deadline is May 9th. That means if a bill does not make it through either the Senate or the House by that date, it’s dead for the session, unless the bill contains a money component. It’s our...