ASMFC Meeting in Beaufort This Week


The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) is holding their Annual Meeting this week at the Beaufort Hotel, 2440 Lennoxville Road, Beaufort, North Carolina. The meeting will start Monday morning at 9:00 and conclude on Thursday afternoon at 1:30pm. There will also be a Monday night welcome reception, Tuesday night annual dinner, and on Wednesday the David H. Hart Award luncheon. You can register and pay for any of these events online or in person at the meeting. There is also an option to register for the 30th Annual Laura Leach Fishing Tournament with all proceeds going to the Wounded Warrior Project.


Link for registration for meals and fishing tournament:



Complete agenda:



Webinar link:



Supplemental documents:



This meeting has a full agenda with multiple opportunities to give public comment online and in person. Species being discussed, include but are not limited to; menhaden, cobia, Spanish mackerel, coastal sharks, spiny dogfish, and red drum. Also of note, the ASMFC will also be discussing fish habitat and interstate fisheries management. Something for everyone for sure. 


This is a great time to come out to meet the commissioners and staff while they are holding their annual meeting in NC. Additional meal and reception options are also great opportunities to get to know everyone better outside of the traditional meeting environment. I encourage everyone to try to get out to Beaufort for at least one day this week!



Thomas Newman

Fisheries Liaison