Conferees continued to work on the budget this week.
The SUPPORT SHELLFISH AQUACULTURE bill, S-648, passed the House on Wednesday and was sent to the Governor.
We’ve heard that H-483, LET THEM SPAWN, will be heard by the House Rules Committee at some point. That’s after we heard several weeks ago that the House Republicans discussed the bill and “there was no appetite” for moving the bill. In addition, the bill didn’t make the crossover deadline and since it had no monetary component, it should be dead. But nothing is ever dead in the General Assembly! Combine this with the concern about what fish stuff may end up in the budget, and it makes for a very contentious time. The budget deliberations are currently in a conference committee which is closed to the public. I understand that Representative Larry Yarborough is attempting to insert a provision for the UNC Collaboratory to do a study on the seafood supply chain in North Carolina. Apparently, he has been convinced that the way our seafood is distributed needs to be improved. In other words, the government is going to suggest ways for the private market to distribute seafood.
I’m often asked what the state or federal governments can do to help fishermen. Outside of discussions regarding a disaster, my reply is: “Nothing! Fishermen just want to work!”
Think of the irony here. For the most part, over the many years I’ve been doing this, I’ve been trying to convince legislators that fishermen just want to work! Based upon how difficult it’s been to get legislators to understand that, I guess that it’s now considered to be un-American to want to work.
If you are involved in commercial fishing and have not taken any interest in the Third District Congressional race, shame on you! I’ve been listing events of candidates at various times in these updates. I’ve attended several but haven’t noticed much participation from commercial fishermen. As noted at the end of this legislative update, there are several opportunities to attend a number of functions for Greg Murphy, Joan Perry or Allen Thomas. Please taken note and attend if you can.
Rather than take up valuable space here, we’re only listing those bills that are “active”. If any action is taken on any of the bills we’ve listed previously, it will be so noted the week the action is taken.
H-169, the bill to make the Loggerhead Sea Turtle the state reptile passed the House and in Senate Rules. No action in the Senate this week.
Voted favorably 11-3 in Wildlife Resources on April 16; now in Rules.
Should be dead as it did not make it through the House before crossover. No action this week, but it appears the bill will be heard in Rules soon.
Voted favorably 6-4 in Wildlife Resources on April 16; now in Finance.
This is similar to a bill filed last year, but it died in committee. This bill would eliminate the RCGL or recreational commercial gear license, would only allow one standard commercial license per person with person including corporation; doubles the license fees. We understand it was discussed in Republican caucus but unsure of status. No action this week.
S-554: MARINE FISHERIES REFORMS; by Senators Sanderson, Brown, Tillman and Steinburg
Passed on the Senate floor on May 7th, 46 to 1.
Now in the House Rules Committee. No action this week.
S-648: SUPPORT SHELLFISH AQUACULTURE; by Senators Sanderson, Rabon and Steinburg
Passed on the Senate floor on May 7th, 47 to 0.
Taken out of House Rules and re-referred to the House Regulatory Reform Committee. Received a favorable report in Committee on June 4th and then referred to House Rules, where it received a favorable report on June 6th. The bill passed the House this week 116-0 and sent to the Governor.
H-598: BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN AS STATE MARINE MAMMAL by Reps Hanig, Grange and others.
Passed the House and sent to the Senate.
In the Senate Rules Committee. No action in the Senate this week.
H-597: WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION AMENDS; sponsored by Adams, Henson, Wray, Yarborough and others.
Substantially raises license fees and makes changes in proclamation authority.
Passed the House Wildlife Resources Committee; Although given a favorable report by the Finance Committee on May 15th, there were concerns noted from some legislators. It is now in Rules and perhaps more discussions there, but no action this week.
H-860: MARINE FISHERIES REFORMS: Cleveland, McElraft, Butler
Similar to S-554.
In House Rules Committee.
Since S-554 passed the Senate and now in House, no action will be taken on this bill.
Provides legislative oversight of marine fisheries issues by the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources.
Passed the House and sent to the Senate.
In Senate Rules. No action this week.
The two top vote getters from the Republican Primary will be in a runoff on July 9th. They are Greg Murphy from Greenville and Joan Perry from Kinston.
Joan Perry attended the May meeting of the God and Country Christian Alliance at Moore’s Old Tyme BBQ in New Bern. She spoke for a while and then answered questions for about 45 minutes.
Greg Murphy was scheduled to be at the group’s June 17th meeting but had a conflict, so Allen Thomas will be the guest at this Monday’s meeting. It is open to everyone and all are encouraged to attend, listen to the candidate and ask questions. The meeting begins at 7:00 but arrive between 6:00 & 6:30 if you’d like to eat.
Allen Thomas Meet & Greet; Friday, June 14th; (that’s TODAY)!
Queen Street Deli in Kinston; 4:00 – 6:00pm.
Greg Murphy reception; Saturday June 15th; (that’s TOMORROW)!
O. Marks Building on Middle Street in New Bern; 10:00 – 11:00am.
Contributions accepted but not required
Call Lindy Robinson: 252-241-2309
Joan Perry Meet & Greet; Friday, June 21st;
Golden Corral Restaurant in Jacksonville; 8:30am
Complimentary breakfast
RSVP: aledet@platinumcorral.com
Greg Murphy reception; Friday June 21st;
Wheatly House in Beaufort; 6:00 – 8:00pm.
Contributions accepted but not required
Call Lindy Robinson: 252-241-2309