Upcoming Meetings 


Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) 2024 Winter Meeting


Tuesday January 23rd through Thursday 25th

Westin Crystal City

1800 Richmond Highway

Arlington, VA 22202


Webinar link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8556735274724277084


Final Agenda


Items of interest include:


Tuesday 23rd

Spiny Dogfish Management Board


Wednesday 24th

Cobia and Spanish mackerel


Coastal Pelagics Management Board




SAFMC Law Enforcement AP Meeting


Monday January 29th and Tuesday 30th


Crowne Plaza, 4831 Tanger Outlet Blvd, North Charleston, SC 29418


meeting agenda


submit public comment


webinar registration


The big topic for this meeting is discussing sales of king and Spanish mackerel tournament caught fish.

Information here: Attachment 3




The General Assembly begins the “short session” in late April. Before then however, we have a

primary election in early March. Those candidates who make it through the primary will then be

on the ballot in November for the General election and those who win then will begin their terms

in January 2024. The same is true for Congressional races. It will be a busy year from an election

standpoint as we will also be voting for Governor, Lt. Governor and all Council of State offices.

I have already pointed out the important race for District 3 for NC Senate, but will highlight

some of the other races in upcoming updates. I have noted several times in the past that NCFA

does not endorse candidates or contribute to their campaigns. We can endorse candidates as

individuals, but for those of us who are registered lobbyists, we cannot give money to a

candidate. If anyone wishes to know my personal opinion on these matters, don’t hesitate to drop

me a note or call.


H.R.6414 – Innovation and Development in Ecuador Act of 2023

This bill would establish a free trade agreement with Ecuador, one of the countries currently

being investigated by the International Trade Commission, alleging the dumping of shrimp into

the US. As noted, many times before, North Carolina is a member of the Southern Shrimp

Alliance. SSA wrote a letter to the US House Ways and Means Committee to oppose this



Congressman Greg Murphy’s office first alerted us to this legislation last fall and after review

advised them of our opposition, which was followed by the SSA letter. If you would like to see a

copy of the letter, just let us know.



As noted in December, North Carolina is one of the states from NC to Texas that is part of the

US Shrimp Coalition working on legal action against potential unfair trade practices in the

importation of shrimp from India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Ecuador. The ITC determined in

December that it will move forward with its investigation. That investigation is ongoing and a

determination could come as early as May of this year.


H.R. 4547; The Less Act

Next week we’ll provide up to date information on this bill which also addresses problems facing

the shrimp industry. This bill has two cosponsors from North Carolina: Congressman Greg

Murphy, Republican and Congressman Don Davis, Democrat. Greg previously served in the NC

House and Don in the NC Senate.



My wife, Pam, is celebrating a milestone birthday on the 22nd so I’d like to use this update to

wish her a Happy 75th Birthday!


Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

