Advisory Committee Meetings For Blue Crab Adaptive Management
Three of the Marine Fisheries Commission’s (MFC) advisory committees (AC) are meeting this week to discuss potential adaptive management options for reducing blue crab harvest. The most recent stock assessment has shown the stock has continued to decline since Amendment 3 was adopted in 2020. Amendment 3 included adaptive management framework that requires the Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) to evaluate the effectiveness of the previous harvest reductions and revise or replace those measures as needed.
If you are a crabber, this is the time to attend one of these meetings and give public comment. The DMF is looking for recommendations to present to the MFC before issuing adaptive management measures.
In person public comment will be offered at all three meetings. No online comments will be taken.
Adaptive Management Decision Document
Northern Regional Advisory Committee
Tuesday, September 24th
Washington Regional Office
943 Washington Square Mall
Washington, NC 27889
Southern Regional Advisory Committee
Wednesday, September 25th
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Shellfish/Crustacean Advisory Committee
Thursday, September 26th
Central District Office
5285 Hwy. 70 West
Morehead City, NC 28557
Please come out if you can to a meeting and continue to read the Weekly Update to stay informed on upcoming issues with blue crab. As always if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you for any and all feedback!
Thomas Newman
Fisheries Liaison