Nothing new to report, other than based on what I’m hearing you should brace yourselves for some surprises when the new legislative districts are announced.
The following is a synopsis of a one-day Capitol Hill visit.
On September 28th I attended several meetings on Capitol Hill. The day started at a hotel meeting with a coalition put together by the Seasonal Employment Alliance to address labor issues, as in the H2-A and H2-B programs. The attendees were from all over the country, but most were involved with landscape contractors. After the meeting we split up to meet with the Senators and Representatives, or their staffs, from our respective states.
I met in the offices of Senators Burr & Tillis, and Congressmen Greg Murphy, David Rouzer, and Dan Bishop. I spoke to Greg Murphy & Dan Bishop but staff for the others. The message was this:
- SENATORS: Request you to cosponsor S. 2443, the Graham Manchin bill by Senators Lindsey Graham and Joe Manchin.
- The bill modernizes H-2A to include aliens engaged in seafood processing, horticultural commodities and the care of horses.
- Currently there are 2 Republican and 1 Democrat cosponsors from South Carolina, West Virginia and Mississippi.
- REPRESENTATIVES: Request that you cosponsor Rep. Henry Cuellar’s Returning Worker Exception Act of 2021
- This legislation would reform the H-2B program by exempting returning workers from the cap, ensuring that seasonal businesses would be able to fulfill their labor needs and contribute to our nation’s post-pandemic economic recovery. The legislation would also strengthen the integrity of the program with measures aimed to protect both American workers and H-2B workers.
- Returning Worker provision ensures workers are vetted and return home each year.
- Currently there are 14 Republican and 8 Democrat cosponsors, none from North Carolina.
It was a long and very tiring day thanks to the restrictions leadership has put on visitors. It was physically tiring because of all the walking but mentally draining putting up with the restrictions which tended to make one feel like a foreigner. Believe me, it didn’t use to be that way. While grateful for those offices that met with us personally. I noted on Thursday October 14th that we only got one additional signature from any state from our efforts. I was told today that some are continuing to look at the bills. We’ll see, and I’ll let you know what the eventual decision is from each office.
God bless,
Council Seeks Applicants for Federal Fishery Advisory Panels and Workgroup
October 14, 2021
Interested in federal fisheries management and want to become more involved? Apply now for open seats on the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s advisory panels or to serve as a fishing representative on the System Management Plan (SMP) Workgroup.
The SMP Workgroup addresses the needs of managed areas in federal waters in the South Atlantic. The Workgroup includes ecologists, coral scientists, mapping specialists, researchers, law enforcement and outreach representatives, and commercial and recreational fishermen. The Council’s advisory panels inform and guide the Council in developing and implementing federal fishery management plans. Upcoming issues to be addressed by advisory panel members in 2022 include reducing release mortality and increasing landed yield across the entire snapper grouper fishery, proposed modifications to Atlantic King Mackerel bag limits and minimum size limits, changes to Cobia regulations along the east coast of Florida, development of the Council’s Habitat Blueprint, and input on law enforcement issues affecting several fisheries.
Members of the Council’s advisory panels include recreational and commercial fishermen, seafood dealers and processors, scientists, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as environmental groups and fishing organizations and concerned citizens. Seats on advisory panels may be allotted by state and fishery sector, with others considered “at large” and open to any interested person. Advisory panel members are appointed by the Council to three-year terms and may be reappointed for two additional terms. The Council’s advisory panels generally meet once or twice each year and members are compensated for travel and per diem expenses. Applications are now being solicited for the following positions:
System Management Plan Workgroup
(1) NC Recreational and (1) SC Commercial Representative
Golden Crab Advisory Panel
(1) Open Seat
Habitat Protection and Ecosystem-Based Management Advisory Panel
(1) NC Open Seat and (1) FL Open Seat
Law Enforcement Advisory Panel
(1) Open Seat
Mackerel Cobia Advisory Panel
(6) Open Seats
Snapper Grouper Advisory Panel
(1) NGO Seat, (3) NC Seats, (1) GA Seat and (2) FL Seats
Deepwater Shrimp Advisory Panel
(1) Open Seat
How to Apply
Detailed instructions on how to apply and application forms for individual advisory panels and the System Management Plan Workgroup are available online from the Council’s website at: http://safmc.net/about-safmc/advisory-panels/. For questions, please contact Kim Iverson, Public Information Officer, at Kim.Iverson@safmc.net or call 843/571-4366.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Council representatives from their area to discuss their interest in serving.
Applications must be received by Friday, November 12, 2021, for consideration by the Council during its December 6-10, 2021 meeting currently scheduled for Beaufort, NC.
About the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, one of eight regional councils, conserves and manages fish stocks from three to 200 miles offshore of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and east Florida. For more information, visit: