H-181, WILDLIFE RESOURCES AMENDMENTS, was signed by Governor Cooper and is now law.
BUDGET NEWS: Still nothing new to report. In other words, there are discussions going on but nothing to report that’s been made public. Maybe when it’s presented to the Governor it will wrapped in Christmas paper.
I drove up I-95 on Monday to Washington. That trip made a root canal look rather nice in comparison. On Tuesday I headed toward Capitol Hill for a meeting in a hotel. When I arrived at the Trump Hotel at 6:15 I had to check in at a security post. Since my meeting wasn’t scheduled till 7:00, I was told I would have to wait. I told the security guy, (with a smile), that I get better service from Motel 6. He made another call and I was given clearance.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss solutions to the labor situation with H2A and H2B workers. After breakfast and some discussion, we fanned out to meet with our respective legislators and/or staff. Most of the attendees were landscapers. I did meet with Congressmen Greg Murphy and Dan Bishop and staffers from the offices of Senators Richard Burr & Thom Tillis and Congressman David Rouzer. I had an impromptu chat with Congressman Bob Goode from Virginia in the hallway.
I’m glad I went but it did have its frustrations. I’ll write about that part later and provide an update about the labor issues. In the meantime, I’ll just say, one certainly doesn’t get the impression that it’s the peoples’ house!
God bless,
ASMFC Begins Preparations for Black Drum Benchmark Stock Assessment
Arlington, VA – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) has begun work on the next Black Drum Benchmark Stock Assessment and is requesting data from academia, member states, federal partners, participating jurisdictions and stakeholders. A data workshop will occur in December 2021.
The Commission welcomes the submission of data sources that will improve the accuracy of the assessment. This includes, but is not limited to, data on abundance (fishery-independent survey catch rates, fishery-dependent catch per unit effort), biological samples (lengths, ages, weights), and life history information (growth, maturity, natural mortality, movement and migration). For data sets to be considered, the data must be sent in the required format with accompanying description of methods to Jeff Kipp, Senior Stock Assessment Scientist, at jkipp@asmfc.org by October 29, 2021.
For more information about the assessment or the submission and presentation of materials, please contact Savannah Lewis, Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, at slewis@asmfc.org or 703.842.0740.
The press release can also be found at http://www.asmfc.org/uploads/file/61537ffbpr22BlackDrumAssessmentPreparations.pdf
New South Atlantic Fellowship to Focus on Reef Fish
North Carolina Sea Grant is accepting applications for a new South Atlantic Reef Fish Extension and Communication Fellowship. The position will provide on-the-job outreach training to increase public knowledge and awareness of reef fish issues in the region. The fellow will be based with the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC) in Charleston, South Carolina, and have projects that include specialists and outreach staff from Sea Grant programs in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The selected fellow will work with the media to highlight reef fish projects in the region, and will coordinate meetings with regional stakeholders and other SAFMC staff.
Applications are due Oct. 15, 2021. Learn more about partners and funding in the news release link in the headline above. Contact Scott Baker at msbaker@ncsu.edu or 910-962-2492 with any questions related to the fellowship. The complete description is available online at: go.ncsu.edu/reef
Other opportunities now open:
NC Space Grant: MSI STEM Scholarships:
The new MSI STEM Pathways Scholarship helps second, third and fourth-year students at NASA-recognized Minority Serving Institutions who are making their first forays into STEM fields of study.
The MSI STEM Bridge Scholarship helps students continue that momentum and dive deeper.
Additional NC Space Grant Opportunities
The Pre-Service Teacher Education Scholarship from NC Space Grant opens the door for education majors to NASA content and tools to use in the classroom.
NC Space Grant’s annual Team Experience and Competition Grant program supports undergraduate and graduate teams as they compete in NASA and aerospace industry competitions.
Applications for all currently open NC Space Grant opportunities are due Monday, Oct. 11, 2021, by 6 p.m. EDT.
Applications Open for NC WRRI/Sea Grant Graduate Research Projects
“With the combined coverage of North Carolina Sea Grant and the NC Water Resources Research Institute, we’re able to entertain proposals from across the entire state to help address the grand water challenges facing North Carolina,” says John Fear, deputy director for both programs. Application deadline is 5 p.m. on Nov. 12, 2021.
Sea Grant and APNEP Offer Estuarine Research Fellowship
The Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership and North Carolina Sea Grant are accepting applications for the 2022 Graduate Fellowship in Estuarine Research. Deadline is Oct. 29, 2021.
NC Sea Grant Launches Student Team Competition on Resilience
The program will provide up to $20,000 for student teams to conduct two-year projects that will lead to more resilient habitats and communities on the North Carolina coastal plain. Deadlineis Oct. 29, 2021
Katie Mosher
North Carolina Sea Grant
NC Space Grant
I would like to wish my Grandson- Skyler Barta– the Happiest of Happy Birthday’s today!!
Love Always, “Naunna” Aundrea O’Neal Weeks