Since last week, major news networks and others have called the Presidential race for Joe Biden. However, it will be awhile before anything is declared officially and the possibility of the courts getting involved.
Senator Thom Tillis has been declared the winner of the US Senate race in North Carolina. There is only one race too close to call in the General Assembly and this is Senate District 9 in Wilmington between Senator Harper Peterson (D) and Michael Lee (R). Lee has a very slight lead before the official canvas. He was defeated by Peterson 2 years ago.
Some of the judicial races are tight with the closest being for Chief Justice of the NC Supreme Court between current Chief Justice Cheri Beasley and Justice Paul Newby. Newby had maintained a slight lead for several days but as of last evening Beasley is holding a very slight lead.
More news after the canvas and the vote totals are official. God Bless,
Citing the State of North Carolina’s “abject failure” in meeting its legal duties to properly manage coastal fisheries resources on behalf of North Carolina’s current and future citizens, the Coastal Conservation Association of North Carolina, along with 86 North Carolinians, filed a civil action on November 10 against the State in Wake County Superior Court.
The plaintiffs include five former members of the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission and citizens who reside in 29 counties across the state.
The suit is based on the State’s longstanding, public-trust responsibilities to manage coastal fish stocks in a way that protects the public-trust rights of the public, as incorporated in the North Carolina Constitution, to fish in North Carolina’s coastal waters. The complaint points out that coastal fisheries resources are held by the State in trust for the benefit of all current and future North Carolina citizens.
Recreational fishing group voluntarily dismisses lawsuit against state over shrimp trawling, lawsuit still pending against the 6 shrimpers
Release: Immediate
Contact: Patricia Smith Date: Nov. 10, 2020 Phone: 252-726-7021
Recreational fishing group voluntarily dismisses lawsuit against state over shrimp trawling
MOREHEAD CITY – A recreational fishing group has dropped a lawsuit that claimed without evidence that the state fisheries agency is violating the federal Clean Water Act in its management of shrimp trawling in North Carolina.
The North Carolina Coastal Fisheries Reform Group on Friday voluntarily dismissed its claim against the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Marine Fisheries in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina.
“The Division of Marine Fisheries vigorously protects the resources of this state and its fisheries,” said DEQ Secretary Michael S. Regan. “This dismissal confirms our view from the outset that the claims in this lawsuit were without legal merit, and detract from the meaningful efforts of diverse stakeholders working together to ensure we protect our resources for current and future generations.”
The voluntary dismissal came as the state was awaiting a ruling on its motion to dismiss, filed Sept. 29. The state moved to dismiss the suit on several grounds, including that the Division of Marine Fisheries was improperly named as a defendant and that the Reform Group failed to state sufficient facts to support a claim that the Division had violated the Clean Water Act.
The shrimp trawl fishery in North Carolina is managed under a Shrimp Fishery Management Plan, adopted by the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission, which is the rulemaking body for estuarine and marine fisheries management. The Division of Marine Fisheries implements and enforces the measures approved by the commission. The fishery management plan process is an open and inclusive process through which those who wish to see changes in fisheries management can advocate for those changes.
The September/October 2020 issue of ASMFC Fisheries Focus is now available at http://www.asmfc.org/uploads/file/5fad9e9dFishFocusSeptOct2020.pdf