NC MFC Meeting This Week


The North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC) meets at the Beaufort Hotel in Beaufort, NC May 22-24. In person public comment can be made either the evening of Wednesday May 22nd at 6:00pm or the morning of Thursday May 23rd at 9:00am. Written comments must be submitted and received by Monday May 20th at 4:00pm. 


Written comments may be submitted online through this online form


Or mailed to:

May 2024 Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting Comments, 

P.O Box 769, Morehead City, NC 28557


Or dropped off at:

Division of Marine Fisheries’ Morehead City Headquarters Office 

3441 Arendell St., Morehead City, NC 28557


Meeting Agenda


Complete Briefing Book


Provide Public Comment


Join the Meeting Online



Important Agenda Items


Final vote on Amendment 2 to the Striped Mullet FMP


At the February meeting the MFC approved option 5n, which in the original documents was a Saturday-Sunday closure January through September and Saturday through Monday closure in October through December. Somewhere between February and now, the Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) has taken the liberty to add another 12 hours a week to the commercial closure! The new commercial option that will be voted on is a Friday 6:00pm through Monday 6:00am closure Jan. through Aug. and Friday 6:00pm through Tuesday 6:00am closure Oct. through Dec. 


This is not the option the MFC voted for! 


This is not the option presented to the public as passed by the MFC! 


NCFA has strong concerns about the DMF adding to this closure after the MFC vote and is and will continue working on this issue!



Blue Crab Stock Assessment 


The NC blue crab stock assessment and adaptive management will be presented to the MFC. Although the stock assessment was not approved by the DMF to use for management, DMF has determined that reductions in blue crab harvest are needed. After the meeting DMF will begin developing draft management options using the 2018 stock assessment which are scheduled to be presented to the MFC at their August meeting. Stay tuned for more information. 


SAV Trawl Closure Update


DMF will be giving an update on the SAV Protection Through Trawl Closure Areas Amendment. This issue has had plenty of public comment opposing the measures and DMF has not provided evidence that closing these areas to trawling is necessary. In addition, all three Advisory Committees (AC) voted down this issue entirely at their meetings last month. There is no vote on the agenda, but in our opinion, the MFC has the option of deciding how to proceed forward on this issue. 


As always, if you have any questions or concerns please reach out.


Thomas Newman

Fisheries Liaison