The General Assembly will try to finish up next week but may have to have a Saturday session. At least that’s what they’re shooting for.

Nothing to report regarding fish legislation but that certainly doesn’t mean there’s nothing going on!

This week was the first time for a while that temperature checks were not required for everyone entering the legislative buildings. However, that will change next week when everyone will need their temp checked again. Effective today, masks will be required in Raleigh but I doubt they will be mandated in the legislative buildings. I’m not sure on that though so will need to check.

Several bills have passed calling for businesses to reopen despite closures by Governor Cooper over Covid-19 concerns. The “bars bill” was vetoed by the Governor. The gyms and bars bill is awaiting action by the Governor. Another dealing with bowling alleys and skating rinks and another for amusement parks and wedding venues is also in the hopper.

Last week I mentioned S-730 THE NO PATIENT LEFT ALONE ACT. The bill has been given a favorable report by 3 committees and is on today’s Senate calendar. There have been several emotional examples given by legislators about constituents that were not allowed to visit very sick relatives while hospitalized, some near death. Health Secretary Mandy Cohen said her department is opposed to S-730, as is the organization representing hospitals.

God Bless,




Lawmakers have sent the third bill in three weeks to Cooper calling for businesses to reopen despite pandemic-related closure orders. First it was bars (vetoed), then gyms and bars (sitting on his desk) and now it’s bowling alleys and skating rinks. A fourth one to reopen amusement parks and wedding venues is working its way through the legislature.