As part of our membership drive, we at the NCFA are happy to announce that we are giving away a FREE sweatshirt to those who sign up as a new individual member. You can choose from the colors and styles shown. This is on a first come-first serve basis WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.
Quantities are limited, so there are no guarantees that we will have every size in every sweatshirt for long. This offer applies to an “Individual” $25 yearly membership. With your membership, you’ll receive a weekly update that is mailed, faxed, or emailed every Friday; to keep you current about all of the meetings and issues related to the commercial fishing industry. With your membership, you will also receive a subscription to our bi-monthly publication “Tradewinds “.
If you’d like to become a member, you can call our office at (252) 726-6232 or visit our website at ncfish.org/join-ncfa/
Please be sure to provide current contact information when you sign up, so we can make sure to get the right size, style, and color sweatshirt that you want .
***Certified Letters from NC Division of Marine Fisheries***
If you feel that you should have received a certified letter from NCDMF and have not gotten it, please check with your local post office to see if you have a postcard for a certified letter. This card should be taken to the postal clerk and signed for, if not, you can contact Brandi Salmon at the Division. Her contact information is listed below.
Phone: 252-808-8101
Fax: 252-726-3903
With holiday mailing delays, the Division has decided to receive these letters past its January 4, 2019 deadline, but it’s urgent to send them in as soon as possible.