From Our Executive Director-Glenn Skinner
The Commission voted to deny the NCWF petition for rulemaking seeking to adopt more restrictions on North Carolina’s shrimp trawl fishery. (
The Commission approved Amendment 2 to the Southern Flounder FMP as recommended by the Division with the exception that they gave the Director flexibility to adjust the season dates as long as they meet the required reductions. (
If you would like to receive the recommendations by email, contact
The Commission voted to send the Draft Amendment to the Blue Crab FMP out for public comment. (
The MFC will pick a preferred management option for Blue Crabs at their November 2019 Business Meeting and approve final management measures in February 2020.
Spanish Mackerel
The NCFA sent a letter to the Secretary of DEQ Michael Regan requesting that he instruct the DMF Director to issue a proclamation reopening the commercial harvest of Spanish Mackerel with a 500-pound daily trip limit to reduce the inevitable dead discards that will occur in the fall gill-net fisheries.
We encourage everyone to contact the Division staff and let them know you need a 500-pound bycatch allowance of Spanish Mackerel to prevent waste while targeting other species.
Contact: Randy Gregory
Morehead City Office:
252-808-8078 or 800-682-2632
NCFA also encourages anyone wishing to serve on the upcoming Shrimp Fisheries Management Plan Advisory Committee to fill out an application as soon as possible. The direct link to print the application is
Tradewinds should be out for distribution by September 15, 2019