Weekly Update: April 5, 2019


Since deadlines for filing bills was approaching, there has been activity. However, no hearings have been held on any fisheries related bills. There is a House Wildlife Resources Committee scheduled for Tuesday, April 16th, but the agenda has not been finalized.

PREVIOUS BILL FILINGS: we provided links to the bills and list of sponsors previously.

H-169: The bill to make the Loggerhead Sea Turtle the state reptile is still in the House Environment Committee.

H-483: LET THEM SPAWN No action this week; Still in Wildlife Resources Committee. Would require minimum size limits on all species to ensure 75% of juvenile fish of each species have an opportunity to reach maturity and spawn at least once. NCFA OPPOSES H-483

H-486: COMMERCIAL FISHING LICENSE REFORMS No action this week; Still in Wildlife Resources Committee. This is similar to a bill filed last year, but it died in committee. This bill would eliminate the RCGL or recreational commercial gear license, would only allow one standard commercial license per person with person including corporation; doubles the license fees. NCFA OPPOSES H-486


S-517: PROTECT THE MILITARY/FISHERIES/TOURISM; by Senator Peterson; Referred to the Senate Rules Committee. Would prohibit offshore drilling.

S-554: MARINE FISHERIES REFORMS; by Senators Sanderson, Brown, Tilman and Steinburg; Referred to the Senate Rules Committee. This is a bill that began as a meeting of several stakeholder groups, including NCFA, with DEQ/DMF. In NCFA’s opinion, the bill as introduced needs to be modified.

S-648: SUPPORT SHELLFISH AQUACULTURE; by Senators Sanderson, Rabon and Steinburg; Referred to the Senate Rules Committee. This is a result of many meetings with a variety of stakeholders; this bill will be modified in committee.

H-545: PROTECT THE MILITARY/FISHERIES/TOURISM; by Rep. Harrison, Martin, Russell and others; Referred to House Rules Committee. Same as S-517 above.

H-598: BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN AS STATE MARINE MAMMAL by Reps Hanig, Grange and others. Not yet referred to committee.



Recently we listed the entire list of candidates and encouraged folks that are in the Third District to attend candidate forums or individual candidate meet and greet or fund raisers to meet them and learn more.

NCFA is sending some questions to all candidates about commercial fishing. We will share their responses in the coming weeks.



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